Thales Easy Tonearm


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Effective length:
220 mm
Effective mass:
10 g
Mounting Distance:
230 mm
Tracking Error:
± 0,4 deg
Offset angle:
± 12 deg
Cartridge weight:
5 - 20 g
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Thales Easy

STEREO Klang Niveau 99%   Best of LP 10 years   Stereo Sound Grand Prix 2015  stereplay HIGHLIGHT   Haute Fidelite Référence

The Easy tonearm is named, as it is an easy way to enter the world of perfect analogue tracking. The design of the Easy tonearm enables a variable offset angle and this is based on a newly developed and highly innovative geometry.

The clever arrangement of six bearing points creates three null points for the horizontal tracking error, plus a zero point for the variable offset angle as well and this is really unique for a tonearm design. This means the cartridge is guided along the ideal tracing line just like that of a parallel tracking tonearm. As well as perfect tracking, side forces are reduced tremendously and this is clearly audible when listening to the EASY tonearm.

GeometrieEasy.jpg   EasyHead.jpg
2 year