Fausto Mesolella, Raiz: Dagored - 1/4" 38cm/s (15ips) Tape

Fonè Records

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1x Tape, Pure Analogue Recording, Original Analog Master Tape
Tape Speed:
38cm/s (15ips)
Tape Width:
1/4 inch
Fonè Records Cat#:
01.01.2019 in Italy
Fausto Mesolella, Raiz
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fonè by Signoricci
Giulio Cesare Ricci, founder and president of the Audiophile Productions/ fonè, began professionally recording his albums recorded with analog systems in 1983 and continues to do so today.

HIS ANALOG RECORDERS are: Nagra 4s, Studer c37, Ampex ATR 102
- Each tape is recorded in real time - Duration 30 minutes
- Unique piece - Tape: SM900 - RMG - 1/4 inch - Eq : IEC
- Speed: 15 ips (38.1 cm/s)
- Reel Size : 26.5 cm reel with metal flange
- Tape Source: Ampex ATR 102-1/2 inch - 30 ips (76 cm/s)
- Tape Recorder : Nagra 4s - 1/4 inch - 15 ips (38.1 cm/s)
- Mastering Personnel : Giulio Cesare Ricci in person realizes all the phases.

The original Master read by an Ampex ATR 102-1/2 inch - 30 ips (76 cm/s) is transferred in real time on a Nagra 4s - 1/4 inch - 15 ips (38.1 cm/s). The tape used is an RTM SM900 - 1/4 inch reel with metal flange 26.5 cm. The recorded tape is contained in a cardboard box which has a graphic personalization front/back with the indication of the music, performers and technical notes. The box containing “ANALOG MASTER TAPES - fonè by Signoricci “ is packed in a protective clear plastic bag with releasable adhesive closure.

LLacreme napulitane (L. Bovio-F. Buongiovanni) 5’46”
Immigrant punk (E. Ferguson-E. Hutz-O. Kaplan-Y. Lemshev-R. Mochiach-S. Ryabtzev)
Ma hu oseh la (Maruzzella) (R. Carosone-E. Bonagura-Y. Gamzu) 5’08”
Carmela (S. Palomba-S. Bruni) 6’52”
I’m your man (L. Cohen)
See me, feel me (P. Townshend) 4’55”
Tu ca nu chiagne (E. De Curtis-L. Bovio)
Ipocrisia (E. Alfieri-G. Giordano) 2’57”
Third stone from the sun (J. Hendrix) 5’21”
‘O surdato ‘nnammurato (E. Cannio-A. Califano)
Give me love (G. Harrison)

Reel audio tapes carry warranty of 2 years if treated properly. No returns of used product.