Alfa-8 provides an impressive frequency range from 30Hz and reaching as high as 20kHz. Loudspeaker cover almost the complete human hearing spectrum without the interference of a crossover or any impedance correction, just a delightful listening experience. The speaker is equipped with Soundcare® SuperSpike legs, whitch providing better contact with the surface, and improves sound quality.
Custom made speakers with broadband drive unit, glass side pannels, mechanical horn transformer, no phase displacement, high sensitivity, high efficiency (up to 10x higher than multi-way speakers), low power amplifier required.
Driver: 8-inch full-range
Rated power: 30W
Max. power: 90W
Impedance: 8 Ohm
Sensitivity: 97dB (1m/1W)
Dimensions: 330 x 1060 x 570 mm
Weight: 45kg each
Frequency response characteristic